SLCP | The Social & Labor Convergence Program

What is SLCP?

The Social & Labor Convergence Program provides the tools to capture accurate data about working conditions in global supply chains. This multi-stakeholder initiative replaces the need for repetitive social audits by facilitating data sharing. Social & Labor Convergence Program is a non-profit multi-stakeholder initiative that aims to eliminate audit fatigue in global supply chains. We provide the tools and system for a high-quality comparable data set on working conditions that can be used by all industry stakeholders. This increases transparency in supply chains, reduces the need for social audits and ultimately allows users to redeploy resources into improving working conditions. SLCP signatories developed a common tool called the Converged Assessment Framework (CAF). The CAF results in a high-quality verified data set that has no value-judgment or scoring. The Converged Assessment Framework (CAF) is a tool to measure working conditions in facilities developed by SLCP signatories. It consists of a Data Collection Tool, verification methodology, and guidance documents. The CAF results in a high-quality verified data set that has no value-judgment or scoring. SLCP built a system to support the implementation of the CAF. This includes the Accredited Hosts (AH), existing service providers that can help interpret and score data, map data to Codes of Conduct and formulate action plans. Facilities have complete control of how they share their SLCP verified data via the Accredited Hosts and the Gateway.

Why was SLCP set up?

Evidence has shown that social auditing in itself does little to improve working conditions in global supply chains. Yet, over the last 20-30 years there has been a proliferation in social auditing, subjecting manufacturers to repetitive and duplicative, resource-intensive audits multiple times a year. Traditionally, there has been a lack of collaboration across the industry, with companies creating their own audit protocols and not sharing findings. SLCP was established to develop a systemic solution to this problem.


What does SLCP do?

SLCP has brought together diverse stakeholders to create and implement a common tool to reduce the time and money spent on social auditing. The aim of SLCP is to redirect savings from auditing to improving working conditions. SLCP, through the Converged Assessment Framework, enables manufacturers to take ownership of their own social and labour data. SLCP provides a single comparable data set and facilitates collaboration between stakeholders.


What are the benefits of SLCP verified data?

A facility can share their SLCP verified data with as many stakeholders and clients as they want. SLCP verified data is designed to be compatible with different standards or Codes of Conduct. This allows brands, retailers and standards the flexibility to add their own scoring or interpretation to the data, according to their needs. With SLCP, there is huge potential to compare data over time and across countries, regions and tiers.


What are the process to achieve SLCP?

Step 1: Self-assessment

A facility uses the Data Collection Tool to complete a self-assessment of their social and labour data.

Step 2: Verification

An experienced social auditor that has been approved to do SLCP verifications visits the facility to check that the answers the facility has provided in their self-assessment are accurate and to record new answers if any of the facility’s entries are incorrect or incomplete.

Step 3: Data sharing

SLCP allows facilities to share their final verified data with the stakeholders of their choice through a unique data sharing eco-system that links together different platforms.

What are the focus point of SLCP Verification?

  • Converged Assessment Framework (CAF).
  • Labour working conditions.
  • No value-judgment or scoring.
  • Social welfare of the workers.
  • Self/Joint Assessment.
  • CAF Data collection tool.

What are the benefits of SLCP?

  1. Ensures compliance with Business, Legal, Contractual, Statutory and Regulatory Requirements.
  2. Provides international Reputation & recognition, Branding, Credibility and Competitive advantage.
  3. Helps to monitor Social & OHS Risks throughout the Organization Business and Supply chain.
  4. Helps to improve Social Stewardship & Sustainability related to compliance management.
  5. Increases Stakeholder Awareness on monitoring safe workplaces and healthy working conditions.
  6. Potential increase in Business due to enhanced Customer confidence and satisfaction.
  7. Better Hazard and Risk detection and Management with increased supplu chain control.
  8. Increases Company’s Business revenue.