Initiative For Compliance and Sustainability | ICS Audit

What is an Initiative For Compliance and Sustainability (ICS) ?

The Initiative for Compliance and Sustainability (ICS) is international and multi-sector, and aims to improve the working conditions and environmental performance of ICS members’ suppliers throughout their supply chains. Initiative for Compliance and Sustainability (ICS) consists of international retailers and brands representing the textile, retail, footwear, electronics, and furniture industries. The Initiative for compliance and sustainability (ICS) audits are neither certified nor labels. The ICS audits are managed by member companies & audit permission is only granted by the ICS member.

Who all are elegible for Initiative For Compliance and Sustainability (ICS) ?

Manufacturing units including sub-contractors (Subject to specific requirement and consent from the customer). The audit is initiated by ICS members itself for their suppliers.

The nine audit companies are Authorized to conduct ICS Audit : API, AQM, Arche Advisors, Asia Inspection, Bureau Veritas, Intertek,
SGS, TUV Rheinland, and UL.

What are the focus point of Initiative For Compliance and Sustainability (ICS) ?
1. Managment System, Transparency & Tracebility
2. Minimum Age, Child & Young Labour
3. Forced Labour
4. Descrimination
5. Disciplianary Practice, Harresment & Abuse
6. Feedom of association and Greivance Mechanism
7. Woeking Hours & Overtime
8. Remunaration & Benefits
9. Health & Safety

Why Choose us?

IKON COMPLIANCE CONSULTANT Team helps in easy understanding of the ICS code of conduct and simple methods for practical implementation. The team offers all the support to complete audit-related documentation formalities. The initial review of the existing practices being followed at the organization is the starting point for the ICS code of conduct audit. 100% documentation support is offered to achieve successful audit results.