Amfori BSCI Audit

What is Amfori BSCIAudit ?

The amfori-BSCI (Business Social Compliance Initiative), is developed by amfori, an internationally recognized audit scheme on supply chain supervision and management system, continuously improving and properly managing the above possible situations in a holistic approach. Third party aduit companies conduct amfori BSCI audits with the values and principles of the amfori BSCI Code of Conduct, which include 13 interconnected Performance Areas.

What are the focus point of Amfori Bsci?

1. Social Management System and Cascade Effect.
2. Workers Involvement and Protection.
3. The rights of Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining.
4. No Discrimination.
5. Fair Remuneration.
6. Decent Working Hours.
7. Occupational Health and Safety.
8. Child Labour.
9. Special protection for young workers.
10. No Precarious Employment.
11. No Bonded Labour.
12. Protection of the Environment.
13. Ethical Business Behaviour.

Benefits of the AMFORI BSCI AUDIT :-

By taking part in amfori BSCI members can:
1. Improve the social performance of their supply chain
2. Reduce cost and increase efficiency
3. Have a clear and consistent approach that highlights best practices
4. Improve the resilience of their business to industry and market changes
5. Improve their businesses’ reputation by meeting the expectations of your customers and stakeholders

Our team can guide you about the audit process and help you to achieve (AMFORI BSCI), a widely recognized audit methodology that cover of all its requirements. We can also assist you in achieving AMFORI BSCI AUDIT, which covers 13 Performance area.

For More information :- Please contact at – or +91- 8924099399, 9889236969